New Year, what's new?

What's new? Like many of us, I've set myself some 'New Year's Resolutions'. I'm sure the exercise one will fail like it does annually, but I am going to try share more regularly digitally.  I've taken up the 100 Happy days challenge and I'm going to tweet and post a pick about happy moments in the library. You can follow me at Mel Cooper @aisb_mel. I'm new to Twitter so forgive any faux pas!

Students were excited to be back and there was a great buzz around school. We reviewed basic library skills to find books at all levels and talked about new books and traditional tales, 3 grade levels are looking at them and it's a good way to start the year.
Traditional tales are so powerful, they teach our children morality and ethics in a fun and engaging way. During my browsing I found an article 'Learning to Read is Learning How to Live' about how reading traditional books, not an e-reader or iPad or tablet, helps young children be transported into the story and allows their imagination to create that 'suspension of disbelief'. And it's even better, if it's read repeatedly and becomes a family favourite!

Come and visit us and pick up a traditional tale!


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