Make Your Mark

Dots, dots, dots were spotted everywhere along the halls on Friday and students made their mark both with their fashion and on paper. International Dot Day is about a combination of students making their own mark in the world and sharing it with others, creation and connection. Written by Peter H. Reynolds 'The Dot' is a teacher favourite since his message rings clear and true, every person has the ability to be creative and to share their ideas. Confidence is key!

The story 'The Dot' is a great resource in teaching students to identify the main idea or the author's message. This is a challenging analytical skill for children but Reynolds makes it clear through pictures and words.

With international day swiftly approaching students were asked to create dots that were about themselves, to put themselves on a dot. The result will be one massive community dot that will be displayed for International Day, check out how our students have been creative and shared.

Speaking of marks, many books have recently been returned with some sticky marks. Reading is a wonderful thing and can be done nearly everywhere, but books and sticky snacks aren't a good mix. Please remind little ones to wash their hands or tuck their books away if they are eating.

Students exploration of different genres will continue next week and they will soon be moving into choosing a genre to inquiry into. The older students have been introduced to the wonders of nonfiction and not just books, but news websites for kids (see News tab on the library website). After a quick poll, it was noted that nearly every single child in Gr 3 and above has access to a tablet or iPad at home. they've been encouraged to use tablets or iPads at home to read childrens' newspapers such as CBBC (BBC news for kids, Time for kids and National Geographic's News page. Our students need to keep up with the times and begin reading on different devices early to learn comprehension strategies.

If you are not familiar with the story 'The Dot', watch this clip.


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