Short and Sweet

Short Video - Knee to Knee in Action

Having students share predictions during knee to knee is a great way to differentiate in the classroom and it helps teachers to quickly assess who is on track and who needs support. Check out this short and sweet video of these clever predictions by a Grade 1 class.

Short and Sweet - Shortcuts!

Students love shortcuts, especially when they are legitimate, they see them as a secret way to do things. This week for students who are practicing research skills I will focus on the ctrl or cmd F. Find is a super shortcut since it helps ESL, or any earlier reader, to find words in challenge text on a web page. For example if a student wants to inquire into 'What do red pandas eat?' they can search for the word food or eat to help find their answer. 

Short list 
Students also discovered that our library catalogue Destiny Quest can help them find relevant websites. Instead of 'googling' kangaroos and getting millions of sites, they can use the catalogue which filters websites so they are appropriate for K- Grade 8 student and it then shows a few hundred. As a parent you can be reassured its a safe search. 


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